Anyway... there were scheduled trips to art museums - some cool stuff, some not as exciting stuff. Everybody from the school also got checked into a hostel. After the scheduled stuff, me and my brother saw the Book of Kells at Trinity College, and walked around for a little bit. Then we met up with some friends, and proceeded to wander around the outer edge of the "city central" area (which is the area that everybody on the trip basically stayed in for the entire time - it's pretty big). It was night time but we were in a group of eight and stayed on well-lit streets. We were actually walking for almost two hours, only stopping in a couple of pubs briefly. Then we finally settled in a pub near our hostel, and enjoyed a couple of drinks while just talking and relaxing.
The next day, me and Dustin walked around for a while trying to find a certain antique shop we had passed by the night before (it was closed then). We asked for directions at several places (we knew the name of the shop), and finally found it. It wasn't that exciting, unfortunately, but the owner was friendly and we chatted briefly. I'm forgetting right now what else we did on the 28th (besides eventually leave for home)...

Just an example of the doors I see sometimes with a knob in the center.

Some police on motorbikes.

Sidewalk artists.

I thought some of the names of shops looked funny, so I took pics.

Parts of Trinity College.

Speedy train that went through the city. Got a little close at times to us pedestrians on the sidewalk (or I guess we got too close to it. :P )

Front of Irish Museum of Modern Art.
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