Recently I've been drawing and doodling a lot, but nothing really more "complete" than that. I was hitting a block in terms of thinking of ideas for some more full illustration to make, so last night I thought of an idea. I went on omegle, a text-only online chat service that pairs you up with an anonymous stranger, and I went from person to person until I had about six ideas for some drawings/illustrations. I told each stranger the basic idea of my project, and gave them the address to this blog, saying that there should be results within the next week. Unfortunately I forgot at the time that I'll be moving into a new apartment on Thursday, so I may not be able to get to every one of the six this week, but we'll see.
For the first two people I accidentally forgot to ask if they wanted a name attached to the final product, but I gave them my blog address, so hopefully they look here and maybe leave a comment. Today I made Idea #1: "Mountain with Charlie Sheen on a unicorn in the background"

Not a masterpiece but I'm working fast with these. Hope to have the next illustration up tomorrow, and hopefully I can squeeze in another one tomorrow as well.
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